Making time lapses
- Make a new directory and copy only the images that are used for the timelapse.
mkdir /tmp/tl cp timelapse*.jpg /tmp/tl/
Resize the images to a certain size. (Optional):
for i in *.JPG; do echo -e "$i...\c"; convert "$i" -resize 1920x1080 "$i"; echo done; done
Create a list of files:
ls -1tr | grep -v files.txt > files.txt
note: This will use the order that is show by ls -1, consider changing the ls flags or adding sort to make a list sorted in another way.
Create movie with a stream of jpgs:
mencoder -nosound -noskip -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.avi -mf fps=15 'mf://@files.txt'
Compress the video into a 1080p video:
ffmpeg -i output.avi -y -s hd1080 -sameq output-final.avi
First example:
Second example:
Third Example: