Extending Supertest
DateReadtime 3 minutes Series Part 1 of Testing Express Tags
I have an express app running behind an Apache reverse proxy with mod_auth_mellon used to authenticate users via SAML.
As a result of relying on headers for auth, I have lots of mocha tests that look like:
it("should add a comment with a user", (done) => { let expectedUser = "a User"; let commentRequest = { ... }; request(app) .post("/comment") .set("oidc_claim_sub", "aRemoteUser") .set("oidc_claim_name", "John Doe") .set("oidc_claim_email", "jdoe@example.com") .set("oidc_claim_iss", "anIdentityProvider") .send(commentRequest) .expect(200) .end(function (error, response) { assert.equal(response.body.user.name, expectedUser, "user name did not match"); if (error) { return done(error); } done(); }); });
I wanted to extend supertest to allow a helper that would reduce duplication in test setup code and silly mistakes. I was hoping for something more like:
request(app) .post("/comment") .authenticate()
It turns out that supertest provides a Test constructor that can be extended. So a simple header can be written like so:
function addRequestWithAuthHeaders(request) { let Test = request.Test; Test.prototype.authenticate = function(options = {}) { return this .set("oidc_claim_sub", options["subject"] || "aRemoteUser") .set("oidc_claim_name", options["name"] || "John Doe") .set("oidc_claim_email", options["email"] || "jdoe@example.com") .set("oidc_claim_iss", options["issuer"] || "anIdentityProvider") } }
describe("when routed to", () => { var app; beforeEach(() => { app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(router); helpers.addRequestWithAuthHeaders(request); }); it("should add a comment with a user", (done) => { let expectedUser = "a User"; let commentRequest = { ... }; request(app) .post("/comment") .authenticate() .send(commentRequest) .expect(200) .end(function (error, response) { assert.equal(response.body.user.name, expectedUser, "user name did not match"); if (error) { return done(error); } done(); }); }); });
source: | https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest/issues/381 |