A pastebin type application meant for displaying mathematics.

This project is designed use the MathJAX library for displaying MathML in HTML. It is meant to allow users to post pages. The pages will then be able to be edited and viewed. Additionally, there will be an admin interface.

Install GAE

To get this app running on google app engine you will have to download the google app engine api.

Download and unzip:

mkdir ~/google_projects
update-gae !$

Or you could use the following after checking for the newest version, but make sure you check the sha1sum:

cd google_projects
wget -O gae.zip http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/google_appengine_1.7.4.zip
unzip gae.zip
rm gae.zip

Next you can create and start the development server:

cp -r google_appengine/new_project_template testapp
python google_appengine/dev_appserver.py testapp

Run the app locally

python ~/google_projects/google_appengine/dev_appserver.py ~/paste-math/

Upload the app

python ~/google_projects/google_appengine/appcfg.py update ~/paste-math/

Update the GAE SDK

Use the script to update the sdk:

update-gae ~/google_projects

Or check the version from https://developers.google.com/appengine/downloads. Then update using:

cd ~/google_projects
rm -r google_appengine
wget -O gae.zip http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/google_appengine_1.X.X.zip
sha1sum gae.zip
unzip !$
rm !$


GAE will also allow the download of log files:

python ~/google_projects/google_appengine/appcfg.py request_logs -n 0 -a ~/paste-math/ ~/paste-math/log.txt