Series for

Series: Getting Started with GPG

Creating Airgapped keys for Yubikey


Before you begin, it would probably be a good idea to have three flash drives and a Yubikey.

  1. Your first USB stick will be a Live USB that will boot the airgapped system.
  2. The second will store the packages that you will need to install on the newly booted …
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Series: Testing Express

Extending Supertest

I have an express app running behind an Apache reverse proxy with mod_auth_mellon used to authenticate users via SAML.

As a result of relying on headers for auth, I have lots of mocha tests that look like:

it("should add a comment with a user", (done) => {
    let expectedUser = "a User …
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Series: Age of git tracked file

Age of git tracked file


I use a password store named pass. Pass is a command line based manager that attempts to follow the Unix philosophy (roughly tools should do one thing and do it well.) I wanted to know when the last time I updated each password in my store, so that I …

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